Cheers to the most romantic month! the month of love.....if you haven't been bitten by the cupid's bug, or struck by his arrows, you can still be, next month or the following months! hehe.  
Since February is almost over, here is my own "Love Month Blog Entry". 

I hope you all have not forgotten that the 14th of this month is the Valentine's day. I hope you didn't forget to give that special person that rocks your world a nice treat. Let them know that you value them and they still remain the number one in your hearts. Yiiii.
To all singles who read my blog, be safe ooohhh, dont be cajoled by men with sweet tongue. In all, Valentine's day isn't only for couples. I hope you put a smile on people's faces and showed some love to those who need it.

And finally, to EVERYONE who made my February so incredible, a very loving and deep thank you. The main contributors (as always) My Family and Friends. I couldn't make it a day without any of you. I am extremely lucky to have all of you in my life! 

Photos by: Bo Quilantang
Stay aesthetically & functionally beautiful everyone! (c) (k)



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