Bistro Carcosa
I have to admit that I am a sucker for beautiful restaurant's interior. I appreciate dining in places wherein food and service aren't only the given importance, but the ambiance as well. Bistro Carcosa is the kind of place where good food, nice service and inviting ambiance merge together. The dishes and drinks I had tried really impressed me and it only steeled my resolve to pay visit again and to try other things on their menu.
Bistro CarcosaBistro Carcosa
Bistro Carcosa
Bistro Carcosa

It was a lunch date with review classmates few weeks after we knew that we passed the board exam. We were genuinely happy that we saw each other's face again. We recalled our sleepless nights,  almost-giving-up times, non-stop support from anyone and of course, funny moments we had together. We almost couldn't believe that our review days is over. The afternoon was filled with gratefulness that we had each other's back when we're in our struggling times. We asked each other's plan: "So... we are now licensed architects, what now?" We laughed hard. Because we know that this is just the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. I hope to see them again soon and hopefully be successful in our chosen career.

I hope you had a good day. Take care! x

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